通常來說,需要自己在工作管理員(ps 指令)查找 CPU 用量偏高的 postgres Session 的 pid,然後再到 psql 底下查找相對應 pid 的 pg_stat_activity 系統表內容,以便查找確切的 Query。不過 EnterpriseDB 原廠以前有提供以下方案,讓你可以直接在資料庫裡面完成這兩步驟!原文連結在參考資料內。以下就把內容的 Script 記下來留存~
CREATE EXTENSION plperlu; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION get_pid_cpu_mem(int) returns table(PID INT,CPU_perc float,MEM_perc float) as $$ my $ps = "ps aux"; my $awk = "awk '{if (\$2==".$_[0]."){print \$2\":\"\$3\":\"\$4}}'"; my $cmd = $ps."|".$awk; $output = `$cmd 2>&1`; @output = split(/[\n\r]+/,$output); foreach $out (@output) { my @line = split(/:/,$out); return_next{'pid' => $line[0],'cpu_perc' => $line[1], 'mem_perc' => $line[2]}; return undef; } return; $$ language plperlu;
postgres=# select a.pid,usename,application_name, u.cpu_perc, u.mem_perc, query from pg_stat_activity a, get_pid_cpu_mem(a.pid) u; pid | usename | application_name | cpu_perc | mem_perc | query ------+----------+------------------+----------+----------+------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1255 | postgres | | 0 | 0.4 | 1253 | | | 0 | 0.5 | 1290 | postgres | psql | 0 | 2.1 | select a.pid,usename,application_name, u.cpu_perc, u.mem_perc, query from pg_stat_activity a, get_pid_cpu_mem(a.pid) u; 1251 | | | 0 | 0.5 | 1250 | | | 0 | 0.3 | 1252 | | | 0 | 1 | (6 rows)
以下是隨便跑一段資料輸入的 Scipt,然後過程中使用 psql Meta-Command \watch 查看:
create table tt2 as select * from pg_stat_activity, pg_class,pg_attribute;
在 PGSQL 9.6 之後,psql 指令提供了一個 \watch 的 Meta-Command,可以像 Linux Shell 底下的 watch 指令,定時重刷指令。以下是查看過程的某一片段,呈現了上述指令執行完畢後,自動啟動的 VACUUM 作業的狀況。
postgres=# select a.pid,usename,application_name, u.cpu_perc, u.mem_perc, query from pg_stat_activity a, get_pid_cpu_mem(a.pid) u; \watch 2 ... 過程中的某片段 pid | usename | application_name | cpu_perc | mem_perc | query ------+----------+------------------+----------+----------+------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1255 | postgres | | 0 | 0.4 | 1253 | | | 0 | 0.4 | 1290 | postgres | psql | 0 | 1.6 | select a.pid,usename,application_name, u.cpu_perc, u.mem_perc, query from pg_stat_activity a, get_pid_cpu_mem(a.pid) u; 1450 | postgres | psql | 5.4 | 4.9 | create table tt2 as select * from pg_stat_activity, pg_class,pg_attribute; 3250 | | | 1.4 | 4.3 | autovacuum: ANALYZE public.tt2 1251 | | | 0 | 0.5 | 1250 | | | 0 | 1.7 | 1252 | | | 0 | 1 | (8 rows) 繼續跳下去...
postgresql - Troubleshooting high CPU usage from postgres and postmaster services? - Database Administrators Stack Exchange
Monitor CPU and MEMORY percentage used by each process in PostgreSQL/PPAS 9.1 | EnterpriseDB Blog